Your loved ones will appreciate any of these sweet Just For You greeting cards. Each set includes four different sentiments that describe how you feel. Each card in the set is one of four different pastel colors—light blue, aqua blue, pink, and lavender. The colorful front panel is embossed with flowers and embellished with rhinestones (colors vary). The dashed border sentiment stands out in its simple design and the card has a color-coordinated satin ribbon tied with a bow.
Card details:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5 inches
Colors: The set of four cards includes one of each color,
- Light blue
- Aqua blue
- Pink
- Lavender
Sentiments include: The set of four cards includes one of each sentiment,
- Thinking of you
- Missing your smile
- From me to you
- Missing you
Inside: Blank
Envelope: White envelope included
Every card is designed and handcrafted. Cards are made with a variety of media and materials to add dimension and texture. Julie’s cards are not one-dimensional prints. Due to being handmade, there can be slight variations.
Card materials:
Heavyweight cardstock
Embossed cardstock
Dye ink
1/8-inch satin ribbon
Three rhinestones (colors vary)
Each card is protected in a clear cellophane sleeve and ships in a rigid cardboard mailer or box depending on the number of items ordered. Spend $35 or more to get free economy shipping via USPS.
Margaret Montano (verified owner) –
This design makes me smile. I sent it with a birthday message inside.